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В память о Бажутове

Тема в разделе "Общественная деятельность Лаборатории LENR.SU", создана пользователем Artem Efimov, 13 мар 2018.

  1. Artem Efimov

    Artem Efimov Administrator Команда форума


    Не стало Юрия Николаевича Бажутова… Неожиданно и печально.
    Физик-ядерщик. Он ВСЮ свою жизнь посвятил науке.
    Казалось, что он будет ВСЕГДА с его оптимизмом в любых случаях, с нахождением выхода из патовых ситуаций, с организацией 24-х конференций по низкоэнергетическим ядерным реакциям (по Холодному синтезу и Шаровой молнии), с нахождением председателей координационного совета взамен ушедших, с популяризацией этого направления науки, теоретических и экспериментальных подтверждений своих гипотез, с созданием команды заинтересованных единомышленников.
    Он жил в этих гипотезах, экспериментах, нанизывая их друг за другом на одну нить, стараясь связать все их в стройную систему и показать, и доказать это всем: друзьям, коллегам, верящим и не очень верящим в эту стройность.
    Все 24 конференции по низкоэнергетическим ядерным реакциям и публикация тезисов и трудов этих конференций на 99 % были организованы усилиями Юрия Николаевича, что было во все времена очень не просто. Особенно не просто было провести первые конференции, которые проходили во время развала СССР. Помощники, конечно, были, но заражал их и заряжал своим энтузиазмом и верой Юрий Николаевич. После каждой конференции он с удовольствием подводил итоги, оценивал количество докладов и участников, раскладывал по полочкам успехи и количество стран -участников и организаций, которые эти участники представляли, и города, из которых эти участники прибывали.
    Интерес к Российским работам сначала был очень значителен, и на конференциях присутствовали представители Франции и Японии, США и Италии, Китая и Тайваня…
    К планируемой в этом году 25 – ой конференции уже была начата подготовка.
    На каждом новом месте своей работы он продолжал свои старые разработки и начинал новые. Все места его работы одному человеку, вероятно, трудно перечислить: Институт Космических исследований, Московский государственный университет, где учился в аспирантуре, а затем собственная фирма в МГУ- «Эрзион» ( Ю.Н. по национальности Эрзя, чем очень был горд и предлагаемую им частицу назвал «Эрзион», и фирму также), Российский Научно-исследовательский центр имени Курчатова (НИЦ «КИ»), Московский автодорожный институт (МАДИ), где в 1999 году на телескопе “Дочь-4” в МАДИ он обнаружил эти тяжелые заряженные эрзионы, и где
    исследовательскую деятельность он совмещал с преподавательской на кафедре физики ( я была на лекциях, они были интересны, студенты слушали с интересом и вниманием), а потом спускался в повал, где стояли установки, и где он регистрировал свои эрзионы. Потом он со своими установками Юрий Николаевич Бажутов перебазировался в ИЗМИРАН(Институт земного магнетизма, ионосферы и распространения радиоволн РАН), где уже кандидат физико-математических наук, старший научный сотрудник на установке «Факел» продолжал свои исследования.

    Последнее место, где он начал заново возрождать на новом месте свои установки – Объединённый Институт высоких температур РАН.
    Благодаря его энтузиазму группа членов этого направления стала членами РАЕН по секции «Устойчивого развития России».
    Как жаль, что пока человек есть и много может рассказать, и многим интересным может поделиться, мы не достаточно уделяем ему внимания.

    С уважением, сожалением, сочувствием
    родным и близким,
    от имени коллег
    Савватимова Ирина Борисовна.
    **Я думаю, что большинство наших коллег присоединятся к моим словам памяти о Юрии Николаевиче Бажутове.
  2. Tarassenko Gennadiy

    Tarassenko Gennadiy Well-Known Member

    этот подлиннее....
  3. Tarassenko Gennadiy

    Tarassenko Gennadiy Well-Known Member

    DSC_0060.JPG P2080006.JPG P2070124.JPG P2080337.JPG DSCF3278.jpg P2060077.JPG P2060091.JPG P2060050.JPG P2080370.JPG DSCN0280.JPG DSCN0030.JPG DCP_0006.JPG DSC_0060.JPG P2080006.JPG P2070124.JPG P2080337.JPG DSCF3278.jpg P2060077.JPG P2060091.JPG P2060050.JPG P2080370.JPG DSCN0280.JPG DSCN0030.JPG DCP_0006.JPG DSC_0060.JPG P2080006.JPG P2070124.JPG Царство ему небесное, мы будем помнить о нем.
    Последнее редактирование: 1 апр 2018
  4. Tarassenko Gennadiy

    Tarassenko Gennadiy Well-Known Member

    Извини Артем, подправь пожалуйста, не пойму как это получается...
  5. Tarassenko Gennadiy

    Tarassenko Gennadiy Well-Known Member

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  6. Tarassenko Gennadiy

    Tarassenko Gennadiy Well-Known Member

    [quote author=Tarasenko link=topic=173.msg17737#msg17737 date=1520745623]
    Умер Юрий Николаевич Бажутоа. Царство ему небесное, мы будем его помнить...

    Последнее редактирование: 2 апр 2018
  7. Tarassenko Gennadiy

    Tarassenko Gennadiy Well-Known Member


    In Memory of Yuri Bazhutov

    Photos courtesy of David Nagel

    A leading Russian cold fusion/transmutation researcher and advocate has died. Dr. Yuri Bazhutov, who passed away on March 9 at the age of 70, was an active member of and leader in the LENR community until the end.

    Bazhutov received a Ph.D. from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1984, after working at the University’s Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics on cosmic rays since 1974. It was here that he began to develop the theory of a new hadron (which he later called an Erzion).

    After leaving the Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics in 1986, Bazhutov moved on to the Central Research Institute of Machine Building. Here he fully developed the Erzion model of cold nuclear transmutation and began experimentation. During this time he founded and chaired the Tsniimash & Korolev Physical Society.

    In 1992, Bazhutov formed and directed the Erzion Research Center, after receiving investment to further research the Erzion model and experiments. (For more details on the Erzion model, see the memorial tributes below from colleagues.)

    Bazhutov was also a professor at the Moscow Technical University from 1997 to 2002, and worked for the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation at the Russian Academy of Sciences. He contracted with the Kurchatov Institute to conduct cold nuclear transmutation experiments.

    Bazhutov began organizing an annual Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation in 1993. He organized or chaired this conference every year for 24 years, with the last held in September 2017. He and Russian colleagues also organized the 13th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF13) in 2007.

    There is a good interview from October 2017 with Bazhutov, from a Russian technology company he was an advisor for, Synthestech.

    Dr. Bazhutov will be missed by the cold fusion community. We hope that his colleagues carry on his legacy, not just with the Erzion model but also with the annual Russian conference. A few of Dr. Bazhutov’s colleagues have provided the following wonderful tributes about the man and his work.

    Irina Savvatimova, Albina Gerasimova, Alla Kornilova, Nikolai Samsonenko, Natalia Famina, Alexey Russetsky, Sergei Tcvetkov, Alexander Parkhomenko, Anatoly Klimov, Vladimir Bichkov, Anatoly Nikitin, Inessa Stakhanova, Sergei Godin and many others:

    Yury Nikolaevich Bazhutov has gone, very suddenly and untimely.

    As a nuclear physicist Yury had dedicated all his life to science and, in particular, to the field of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (cold fusion). It seemed that he would be forever with us, full of untiring enthusiasm and optimism, always seeking quick solutions to difficult problems (as in organizing his last 24th Russian LENR/Cold Fusion and Ball Lightning Conference).

    He had managed to find substitutes to a succession of chairmen for the Russian LENR Coordinating Board, he was always trying to popularize his field; he had made hundreds of experiments to prove his theoretical assumptions and eventually succeeded in recruiting his own team of dedicated fellow researchers and friends.

    Yury had been living in his theories and assumptions, trying to work out a clear and articulate explanation for his experimental data and observations. He was always trying to convince his friends and colleagues that he was right.

    He had organized and chaired 24 Russian cold fusion and ball lightning conferences and successfully published all the proceedings. He had taken part in the majority of ICCFs and ISCMNS Workshops, working on Organizing Committees and presiding over numerous sessions. He had already started preparations for the 25th Russian LENR conference, scheduled for September 2018. His contribution to LENR in Russia and worldwide is enormous.

    Our science has suffered a great and irreparable loss. Yury Bazhutov will remain in our hearts forever. At this hard and mournful moment our thoughts are with his wife, his family, his friends and colleagues.

    William Collis:
    For over 25 years I have been championing the Exotic Neutral Particle (ENP) theories of Yuri Bazhutov and John Fisher, respectively their Erzion and Polyneutron proposals, which were developed completely independently and yet have so much in common. The beauty of these theories is multiple. Firstly, by invoking neutral catalytic particles to transfer neutrons from one nucleus to another, they bypass any Coulomb barrier. And with no Coulomb barrier, even heavy isotopes can be transmuted. Secondly, because these catalyzed neutron transfers also require the breaking of nuclear neutron bonds, the overall energy released is modest, just a few MeV. And this explains a fundamental observation, that CMNS does not create residual radioactivity. Few theorists address the problem, but Yuri did. But somehow outside Russia, his contributions to CMNS did not get the attention they deserved.

    Yuri was well known for his series of Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning held in Sochi on the Black Sea. The latest, the 24th, was organized last September. His leadership will be missed.

    Michael McKubre:
    Yuri Nikolaevich Bazhutov was an independent thinker and a very strong force in the organization particularly of Russian cold fusion science. I spent many splendid days on the Black Sea at Abrau-Durso and Dagomys attending conferences coordinated by Yuri, for the first few traveling 36 hours by train each way from Moscow to Sochi. These were in many ways other-worldly experiences that I will treasure forever, forming many new friendships and learning new things from Russian (and Eastern Bloc) science. These experiences were life-changing. Yuri’s concept of the Erzion was something entirely novel to me and opened an altogether new way of thinking. I had previously heard the concept of massive particles to catalyze nuclear or neutron interaction only from the lips of Edward Teller (his “Meshuganon”—as he described the meaning “crazy but not necessarily repulsive”). Yuri introduced us to a pantheon of particles, Erzions. First formulated in 1981 to explain cosmic anomalies, Yuri argued that these massive hadrons, in complex interaction, could solve the riddle of not just cold fusion but also other important condensed matter nuclear reactions.

    As well as an active theorist and experimentalist, Yuri Bazhutov was an influential and important member of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) of the ICCF conference series. Yuri argued that Russia does not fit naturally into the regular continental rotation of the ICCF conferences: Americas-Europe-Asia (or fits too well), that the Eastern Bloc contributed an important fraction of the science and innovation of ICCF content, and that travel to the west was difficult from these countries. He pushed hard for an ICCF in Russia and with the Americans bowing out of rotation Yuri Bazhutov (Russian Academy of Sciences), Igor Goryachev (Kurchatov Institute), Nikolai Samsonenko (People’s Friendship University) and Irina Savvatimova (Federal State Unitary Enterprise), with help from many others, were able to pull off what was in many ways one of the most interesting and memorable ICCF conferences. In June 2007 Yuri Bazhutov chaired ICCF13 held in Dagomys on the shores of the Black Sea near Sochi.

    Both as a community and individually we will miss Yuri’s strong presence. Active free thinkers are very few indeed and are increasingly desperately needed. His ever-present smile and booming voice filled whichever room he was in. We will miss Yuri’s contributions to the International Advisory Committee (IAC) and his tireless energy in steering what I believe is the most sustained series of cold fusion conferences, now designated as the Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball Lightning, RCCNT&BL. I do hope that this conference series survives him, and that collectively we can resolve the mystery of the Erzion without his leadership. Wherever you are Yuri, we miss you.

    E-mail: staff@infinite-energy.com
    Последнее редактирование: 5 апр 2018

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